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The main type in Tensora is the Tensor class. Tensors are immutable. New tensors may be constructed from operations on other Tensors, but no property of a Tensor may change once it is constructed. This is different from NumPy arrays and Scipy matrices, which may be mutated in-place.


The order, dimensions, and format are the fundamental structural properties of a tensor. These are available as attributes of a Tensor.


The order of a tensor is the number of dimensions it has. A scalar is a 0-order tensor, a vector is a 1-order tensor, a matrix is a 2-order tensor, and so on. Conceptually, the order may be any non-negative integer, but realistically, a large enough number of dimensions will cause a stack overflow or other resource error.

from tensora import Tensor

tensor = Tensor.from_lol([[1,2,3], [4,5,6]])
assert tensor.order == 2


Each element of the dimensions tuple is the size of the corresponding dimension.

from tensora import Tensor

tensor = Tensor.from_lol([[1,2,3], [4,5,6]])
assert tensor.dimensions == (2, 3)


The type of format is a tensora.Format object, which has modes and ordering attributes. The format.deparse() method will give you a human-readable string.

from tensora import Tensor

tensor = Tensor.from_lol([[1,2,3], [4,5,6]])
assert tensor.format.deparse() == 'dd'


The normal way to perform mathematical operations on Tensors is to use the evaluate function. However, the Tensor class implements several of the standard arithmetic operations available in Python. Tensora makes some guesses on the format of the result. If more control is needed use evaluate.

tensor1 + tensor2 and tensor1 - tensor2

Addition and subtraction are element-wise operations. If both operands are Tensors, they must have the same order and dimensions. The result will be a Tensor where each dimension is dense if either operand is dense at that dimension. If one of the operands is a Python scalar, it will be broadcast to the dimensions of the other operand. The result will be a Tensor with the same order, dimensions, and format as the other operand.

from tensora import Tensor

tensor1 = Tensor.from_lol([[1,2,3], [4,5,6]])
tensor2 = Tensor.from_lol([[7,8,9], [10,11,12]])

assert tensor1 + tensor2 == Tensor.from_lol([[8,10,12], [14,16,18]])
assert tensor1 - tensor2 == Tensor.from_lol([[-6,-6,-6], [-6,-6,-6]])

tensor1 * tensor2

Multiplication is and element-wise operation. If both operands are Tensors, they must have the same order and dimensions. The result will be a Tensor where each dimension is sparse if either operand is sparse at that dimension. If one of the operands is a Python scalar, it will be broadcast to the dimensions of the other operand. The result will be a Tensor with the same order, dimensions, and format as the other operand.

from tensora import Tensor

tensor1 = Tensor.from_lol([[1,2,3], [4,5,6]])
tensor2 = Tensor.from_lol([[7,8,9], [10,11,12]])

assert tensor1 * tensor2 == Tensor.from_lol([[7,16,27], [40,55,72]])

tensor1 @ tensor2

Matrix multiplication is only permitted between vectors (order-1 tensors) and matrices (order-2 tensors). The dimensions of the operands must be compatible like normal and as in the table below. The result is a Tensor with the the expected dimensions. The format of the result is determined by the format of the operand dimensions that give the result dimension its size.

a b a @ b assignment
(n,) (n,) () c() = a(i) * b(i)
(n,) (n, p) (p,) c(j) = a(i) * b(i,j)
(m, n) (n,) (m,) c(i) = a(i,j) * b(j)
(m, n) (n, p) (m, p) c(i,j) = a(i,k) * b(k,j)
from tensora import Tensor

A = Tensor.from_lol([[1,2,3], [4,5,6]])
x = Tensor.from_lol([1,2,3])

assert A @ x == Tensor.from_lol([14, 32])