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Tensora is a tensor algebra library for Python. You can create Tensor objects in a variety of sparse and dense formats. You can do calculations with these tensors by passing the them to the evaluate function along with an expression (e.g. y = evaluate('y(i) = A(i,j) * x(j)', A=A, x=x)). The expression is parsed, a kernel is generated, the C code is compiled on the fly, the binary is invoked, and the result is packaged into a output Tensor.

Tensora also comes with the tensora command line tool that can be used to generate the kernel code for external use.

Tensora is based on the Tensor Algebra Compiler (TACO) and can use either TACO or its own compiler to generate kernels.


The recommended means of installation is with pip from PyPI.

pip install tensora

You must have a C compiler installed that is compatible with and available to CFFI API mode. Tensora definitely works on Mac and Linux and definitely does not work on Windows. It will probably work on any system where ffi.dlopen(None) works.

Hello world

Here is an example of multiplying a sparse matrix in CSR format with a dense vector:

from tensora import Tensor, evaluate

elements = {
    (1,0): 2.0,
    (0,1): -2.0,
    (1,2): 4.0,

A = Tensor.from_dok(elements, dimensions=(2,3), format='ds')
x = Tensor.from_lol([0, -1, 2])

y = evaluate('y(i) = A(i,j) * x(j)', 'd', A=A, x=x)

assert y == Tensor.from_lol([2,8])